What is neurofeedback at Elevated Mental Wellness

Discover a more Balanced Life
With Neurofeedback


The brain is the center of all activity in your body. It governs every aspect of our emotional, mental, and physical regulation. When the brain is out of balance, every system in the body is at risk.  

The more balanced and regulated the function of your brain, the better you are able to manage the stresses in your life.

When we experience a trauma or extended period of stress, the brain adapts. Neuroplasticity is the natural process of the brain to adapt and change according to the events and experiences it goes through. New neural patterns are created to help us get through and survive the stress. These neural systems help us manage the stress during and after the stress or trauma. 

If unchecked, these neural patterns and networks continue to be on the ready to protect us and activate defense systems to keep us safe. If there is no immediate threat, and the brain is simply acting out of habit or reacting to a perceived threat. Without some interruption in the autonomic nervous systems habitual response, it will continue to do its best to manage the systems and emotions in the body.

One way to consider the functioning of the brain is to compare it to a symphony. The many different instruments  are like the lobes and various areas in the brain. The electric frequencies that are seen in the EEG are like the notes each instrument makes. When they are in harmony and balance with each other, the music is wonderful. If any one individual musician, or section, is out of time, or louder or softer than the rest of the sections, the music is hard to listen to.

This is just like the processes in the brain. When one process is out of sequence or balance with the other systems the outcome is ineffective or chaotic. Without a conductor to help regulate and balance the various systems and frequencies the output is less than optimal or ideal. That is where NeurOptimal(r) Dynamical Neurofeedback comes in. 

Like the conductor does for a symphony, the neurofeedback process helps to organize and balance the various systems and frequencies in the brain. It helps the brain realize where it is out of balance.

The brain can take the feedback from the "conductor" and learn to self-regulate and balance. Non-linear, dynamical neurofeedback does not drive or push the brain function or frequencies into any preset or predetermined parameters, it simply guides the brain to find its own balance and harmony. The process is calming, relaxing and can result in a more organized and balance functioning.

Download a brief eBook and learn more about how non-linear neurofeedback can benefit you or your family. 



Doing NeurOptimal® sessions is a bit like learning to read — minus the hard work!

Once you know how to read, you can’t not know. So yes, it lasts.

But if you don’t read for a very long time, you might get a little rusty. Then once you jump back in, you quickly catch up and you’re off! NeurOptimal® is very like that. Once you have done say 20 sessions, we like to say “you have it in your back pocket”. But if you get thrown off by something happening in your life, a session or two or three can get you right back. You can also stop training any time you want, and pick back up again later. It’s really up to you.

Alternatively, those of us who own NeurOptimal(r) frequently consider it part of our own self-care, much like exercise. We are living tissue after all, and daily life stressors, lack of sleep and pollution all take their toll. You might want to run yourself weekly or monthly to stay tuned — it’s really up to you. It’s your brain doing the training after all. It will let you know when it wants a session!

So yes, the benefits of NeurOptimal® neurofeedback do remains with you, and when life throws you an unexpected curve a few sessions can quickly help you find your way home.

Call TODAY to set a consultation and schedule your training sessions. (208)904-3225

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